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How Often Do Peace Lillies Bloom?

Peace lilies are beautiful indoor plants known for their white flowers that will bloom twice per year, in the spring and the fall, with proper care. If your peace lily is not producing flowers during these times, you may have to adjust some of your care.

What Is The Lifespan Of Peace Lillies?

When grown indoors as houseplants and given proper care, peace lilies can live for twenty years or more.

The key to having healthy, happy peace lily flowers is to follow the care instructions that came with your specific variety.

How Many Times In A Year Does A Peace Lily Bloom?

Peace lilies can bloom twice a year under optimal growing conditions.

Given the right environment and adequate water and nutrition, you should see beautiful white blooms in the spring and in fall.

How Long Do Peace Lily Blooms Last?

The bloom on a peace lily will last about one month.

Once the bloom starts wilting, it is nearing the end. After the bloom turns brown, you should trim the bloom off.

Peace lilies will bloom multiple times throughout the year.

Why Do You Cut Off The Dead or Dying Bloom?

Since plants expend a lot of energy maintaining a flower bloom, it is in the best interest of the plant to “deadhead” the plant when the bloom is past its prime.

A wilting bloom is also unattractive, and peace lilies have large showy flowers. The plant has interesting looking blooms that contribute to its botanical name, Spathiphyllum. The word means “spathe-leaf” because the flowers consist of the spathe (the white, sheath-like leaf) and the spadix (which are the small flowers located within the spathe).

The foliage of the peace lily is just as beautiful as the flowers.

How To Keep Peace Lillies Blooming

Some commercial growers use gibberellic acid to encourage young peace lilies to bloom before they mature, but it is not recommended for home use. This plant hormone encourages artificial blooming and could upset your plant’s natural bloom cycle.

Remembering that they are tropical plants, the best tip for extending the life of your lily’s bloom is to keep it in warm, humid environments.

Tips For Encouraging Your Peace Lily To Bloom

The first thing to know is that only mature peace lilies bloom. If your mature peace lily is not blooming, it is probably because it is not experiencing optimal growing conditions. Here are some growing tips for your peace lily:

  • Water: Lilies prefer moist potting soil. Give your peace lily a touch test. If the top inch of soil is dry, it is time to give it a good drink without overwatering it. Too much water can result in root rot, and some peace lilies are sensitive to the chlorine in tap water. Brown or yellow leaf tips are a sign you need to adjust your watering habits.

  • Light Conditions: These plants like bright, indirect light. However, they can also do well in low light conditions, which makes them a very versatile plant. If your mature lily will not bloom, it may not be getting enough light.

Peace lilies will bloom more frequently in bright, indirect light.
  • Soil: Peace lilies prefer soil that can hold moisture while still allowing for adequate drainage. It is common to blend together sandy and loamy potting mixtures that are well-draining and include organic matter like perlite or peat moss.

  • Plant Food: Either a 10-10-10 NPK or a 20-20-20 houseplant fertilizer is best for a peace lily plant. Peace lilies do not require frequent feeding. Plan to apply fertilizer every six weeks or so during the growing season. Overfertilizing can cause brown leaves.

  • Potting: This plant should not be put into a much larger pot than the size of the root ball as they prefer to be a little root bound. Choose a pot with drainage holes to support healthy soil moisture, and plan to repot your peace lily every 1-2 years.

  • Climate: Peace lilies originated in Amazon tropical rainforests and prefer a temperature range of 65-85 degrees Fahrenheit and 50% humidity level. Keep them away from cold drafts.

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