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How To Propagate Philodendron

Propagation methods for philodendrons include rooting stem cuttings in water or soil.

Philodendrons are flowering plants from the Araceae family. There are many types of philodendron plants, including the popular heartleaf philodendron, and they are all easy to grow and maintain, making them great plants for beginners in indoor gardening.

Step-By-Step Instructions For Propagating Philodendron

The easiest, most efficient way to propagate a philodendron is to take a stem cutting and root it in water or soil. Before starting, you should find a clean, sharp knife or pruning shears. It is also advisable to wear gloves when handling this plant, as its toxins can irritate your skin.

Stem Cuttings In Water

Water propagation is easy and fun to watch as your cut stem produces roots.

  1. Find a healthy portion of the vine you wish to cut. Look for a node that will be near a leaf. You may even find aerial roots near the leaf node.

  2. Cuttings should be about four inches long with 2-3 leaves.

  3. If there are leaves near the bottom of your cutting, snip them off.

  4. Place the cutting with the cut side into a glass of water, ensuring the nodes are fully submerged. (Note: Use clear glass to see the root growth appear!)

  5. Put the glass you have the cutting placed in indirect sunlight.

  6. Change the water every few days.

  7. When your cutting starts to grow new roots at least a few inches long, you are ready to plant.

  8. Plant the new plant in a small pot with well-draining soil. They don’t thrive in pots much larger than their root ball. You can repot the new philodendron as it outgrows its pot, in a year or so.

Stem cuttings easily root in water.

Stem Cuttings In Soil

When propagating your philodendron in soil, prepare it the same as in steps 1-3 above.

  1. Next, dip the cut portion into the rooting hormone to prepare it for planting.

  2. Choose a small pot with drainage holes.

  3. To make well-draining soil, a good potting mix can include perlite, vermiculite, or peat moss. Make a hole in the potting soil big enough for the cutting and insert it.

  4. Water it often enough to keep the soil moist, but not wet. Philodendrons are susceptible to root rot due to overwatering.

  5. Put the rooted cutting in bright indirect light, not direct sunlight, and wait for new growth.

Watch for new growth within a few weeks.

Philodendron Plant Care

Soil: Philodendrons thrive in slightly acidic potting soil. Aim for a PH between 5-6.

Repotting: When repotting a philodendron, do not choose a pot that is too big. While they do not like their root system to be root bound, they also fail to thrive in a large pot.

Water: Plan to water your philodendron weekly. Be sure to allow the soil to dry out between waterings to avoid overwatering.

Light: Philodendrons can tolerate low light, although they will not grow as fast and won’t thrive. They do best in indirect, bright light.

Temperature: A philodendron does well at room temperatures between 65-75. As a tropical plant, it also enjoys a slightly humid environment.

During the warmer months of the growing season you're more likely to get a healthy cutting and successful propagation.

Frequently Asked Questions

When is the best time to propagate a philodendron?

Philodendron propagation can be done at any time of the year except winter. Many growers prefer to propagate in the spring and summer growing season.

How do you know if your plant should be propagated?

Choose a philodendron cutting for propagation from a mature, healthy plant. Some people propagate when their houseplant begins to get leggy, and they’re taking cuttings anyways.

Can you propagate using tap water?

Since tap water can have fluoride and other chemicals, it is best to use filtered or distilled water.

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