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How To Repot Spider Plants

Repotting spider plants (Chlorophytum comosum) is necessary when the plant looks like it has outgrown its pot. Pick a pot one size up from the current pot with drainage holes. Fill it with well-draining soil and only water it when it is dry.

Do Spider Plants Need To Be Repotted?

Spider plants must be repotted into a new container when they start outgrowing their pot.

A popular and pet-safe houseplant, spider plants and their roots grow fast, so repotting avoids cracked pots. When roots are visible above the topsoil, it’s time to repot.

Another way to check to see if the plant needs to be repotted is to check the base of the plant. If the roots create a circle at the bottom or poke through the drain holes in the container, repotting is necessary.

Repotting is also an option to save your plant when the leaves are brown or yellow due to root rot or a fungal infection.

Spider plants can sometimes be sensitive to the fluoride and other chemicals in tap water. If your plant has brown tips and you’re certain its water and light conditions are being met, try repotting it in fresh soil and switching to filtered or distilled water.

Spider plants are fast growers and may need to be repotted every year during the growing season.

Best Time To Repot Spider Plants

The best time of year to repot spider plants is spring and summer.

If necessary, repotting in the winter and fall is okay, but the plants have a higher chance of success during the growing season. Spider plants can be repotted in fresh soil every year if they outgrow their pot.

Do Spider Plants Like Deep Or Shallow Pots?

The best pot size for a spider plant is slightly larger than the root ball. A small pot will keep their roots too confined.

A larger pot will give the plant enough room to expand its root system. However, spider plants like to be a bit pot-bound, so don’t put them in too large of a pot.

When repotting, a general rule is to choose a new pot one size larger than the current pot. If you only have bigger pots, that’s okay, but be sure to fertilize the plant regularly to help it grow quickly and spread throughout the pot.

Spider plants also need pots with drainage holes. This helps keep the soil well-aerated by draining excess water and preventing root rot. Plastic pots are good options for spider plants because they are flexible and retain moisture.

Spider plants like to be slightly root-bound. Only choose a new pot one size larger.

What Soil Type Do Spider Plants Need?

Spider plants prefer well-draining, moist soil. They thrive in a slightly acidic soil mix with a pH range between 6.0-7.0.

Regular potting soil may retain too much moisture. Consider adding orchid bark, charcoal, pumice, or perlite to the pot’s base for maximum drainage.

How Often Should You Water A Repotted Spider Plant?

After repotting a spider plant, give it normal spider plant care. Only water it when the soil is dry.

Spider plants should generally be watered once a week, but this can fluctuate depending on how warm the temperature is and if they are exposed to direct sunlight. When the weather is cooler, don’t water as often.

Spider plants thrive in spots with medium or bright indirect light. Always check the soil for dryness before watering, regardless of temperature or light exposure. Overwatering can lead to root rot and can kill your indoor plant.

You can use a chopstick or a similar object to check if the soil is fully dry. Gently stick the chopstick to the bottom of the pot and pull it out. If the stick is completely clean, the plant needs to be watered.

Should You Cut The Babies Off A Spider Plant?

If you’re interested in propagation for new plants, cut off the spiderettes or spider plant babies from the mother plant once they’re big enough and have visible roots.

With sterilized shears, snip the spiderettes off of the main plant. These cuttings can then be planted in a new pot with well-draining potting mix. Place the new plantlet in indirect sunlight, water it once a week, and watch for new growth to sprout.

These plants are fast-growing and resilient, and spider plant propagation is generally very easy.

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