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Money Tree Leaves Drooping: Causes and Cures

Discover why your Money Tree leaves droop and how to revive it.

Money tree drooping leaves

There's no doubt that anyone who owns a money tree (Pachira aquatic) is a proud plant parent. With their beautifully braided trunks and large flat leaves, money trees are a beautiful, easy-to-care-for addition to any indoor space.

But even the most experienced green thumbs can face some issues, and one such issue is a droopy dilemma for your money tree.

Droopy leaves could mean many things, but thankfully, you can nurse your money trees back to a thriving state with a little know-how and a lot of love. Here's what could be ailing your beloved plant and how you can spot and fix the issue.


Let's start with the most common reason behind your money tree's sad, droopy leaves: underwatering.

Money trees, being the tropical beauties they are, have a preference for humidity and a regular drink of water. No matter the type of money tree, when you neglect its watering needs, the soil becomes parched, leaving your plant's roots high and dry.

When the soil lacks moisture, the plant begins to lose its vigor. With little-to-no water being absorbed from the soil, and as it continues to lose water through transpiration and respiration, the leaves start to wilt and droop.

How to Spot This Issue

You don't need to be a plant expert to spot the signs of an underwatered money tree.

  • Drooping leaves: Those once perky leaves will now hang down.

  • Wrinkled and curled leaves: The leaves may develop wrinkles or curl at the edges, indicating water stress.

  • Brown tips and discoloration: The tips and edges of the leaves can turn brown and crispy due to the lack of water.

  • Shrinking and wrinkling foliage: The overall appearance of the foliage may shrink or develop a wrinkled texture.

  • Slow growth: Underwatered money trees often exhibit slowed growth and may appear smaller than their healthy counterparts.


Thankfully, reviving your underwatered money tree is quite straightforward and can often lead to a swift recovery!

  • Water thoroughly: If you notice that the top 2 inches of the soil is dry and the leaves are drooping, water your money tree thoroughly until you see the water escaping from the drainage holes.

  • Proper watering schedule: To prevent underwatering, ensure you water your money tree when the top 1-2 inches of the soil is dry.

  • Deep soaking: If your money tree is severely underwater, you can perform a deep soak. Here's a how:

    1. Move your indoor money tree to the bathroom or kitchen and take off the saucer from under the pot.

    2. Fill the tub or sink with around 3-4 inches of water and allow the plant's root ball to soak in the water for about 30-45 minutes.

    3. Place your money tree back in its saucer and leave any damaged leaves on the plant while it recovers.


While you may have the best intentions, too much love in the form of watering can be harmful to your money tree. While a healthy dose of water is essential, drowning your money tree's roots in excess moisture can lead to trouble, i.e. drooping leaves.

When you overwater your plant, the roots struggle to absorb the excess water, leading to a lack of oxygen and an environment where fungal and bacterial infections can thrive. Diseases like root rot can rear its ugly head, potentially spelling doom for your beloved money tree.

How to Spot This Issue

The tricky part is, both overwatering and underwatering can show similar symptoms, like droopy leaves. However, there are a few telltale signs that your money tree is drowning...

  • Consistently damp soil: If the potting soil is perpetually wet, it's a sign there's too much water.

  • Yellowing leaves: Overwatering is a common cause for your money tree's leaves turning yellow.

  • Wilting, and squishy leaves and roots: The leaves and roots can become mushy and soft from excess water.

  • Smelly soil: If your plant's home starts smelling funky, excess moisture may be the issue. Unfortunately, this is a common sign of root rot.


If you suspect you've got an overwatered money tree on your hands, give it a breather with these tips:

  • Pause the watering: Give your overwatered money tree a break from watering by letting the soil dry out for a couple of days.

  • Improve soil drainage: There are a couple of ways this can be done, either by repotting your money tree with a well-draining soil mix, adding more drainage holes, or opting for a well-draining terracotta pot.

  • Addressing root rot: If you notice signs of root rot, you may need to take more drastic measures. Repot the plant in fresh, well-draining soil and trim away any rotten roots. Alternatively, consider starting anew through propagation.

Soil Issues

Believe it or not, the type of soil you choose to pot your money tree in plays a role in their health.

If the potting mix doesn't drain well or lacks essential nutrients, those drooping leaves may be a sign of soil-related blues.

Balance is key here: too little moisture retention leads to dry leaves, while an excess of organic matter can lead to soggy roots and the onset of root rot.

How to Spot This Issue

Here are some signs that soil troubles may be behind your money tree's leafy slump:

  • Soft or discolored trunk: A mushy or discolored trunk could signal root rot, often caused by overly moist soil.

  • Young leaves in distress: If newly sprouted leaves are turning yellow or brown, it may be a hint that the soil pH isn't sitting right.

  • Stunted growth and lackluster leaves: Slow growth and fewer lush leaves than usual may be a pH issue.


While the hardy money tree isn't fussy about elaborate nutrient mixes and can do with a simple potting soil, they do thrive with balanced soil. Standard potting mix can actually be a bit too moisture-holding for their liking.

For the best results, opt for well-draining, loamy, and nutrient-rich potting soil. If you enjoy some hands-on gardening action, you can create your own perfect potting mix:

  • Soil mix option 1: Equal parts peat moss, perlite or vermiculite, and coarse sand.

  • Soil mix option 2: Equal parts coco coir, compost, and perlite or vermiculite.

The Wrong Type of Light

A daily dose of light is essential for a healthy plant. Much like most indoor plants, money trees need around 6-8 hours of bright, indirect light to thrive. However, watch out for direct sunlight - it can be a leaf scorcher!

The money tree's natural habitat in Central and South America involves cozying up in partial shade and indirect light beneath taller trees. Ideally, you'd want to mimic this setup at home.

To ensure it really is an issue of light, you first need to rule out overwatering or underwatering.

How to Spot This Issue

Signs that you're giving your money tree the wrong type of light include:

  • Pale leaves: A lack of light can cause the leaves to lose their vibrant green hue and become pale.

  • Dry, yellowing leaves: Yellow and dried-out money tree leaves are a sign of too much direct sunlight.

  • Leggy growth: If your money tree is stretching out awkwardly, it's a clear sign that it's trying to reach for the light – a common reaction to low light levels.

  • Stunted growth: Slow growth is a sign that your plant's energy reserves are dimming due to insufficient light.


If your money tree is not receiving enough light, move it to a brighter location. North and east-facing windows are prime real estate for money trees to thrive.

To check for the ideal spot for bright, indirect sunlight, here's a nifty trick: extend your hand in front of the light source; if your shadow casts sharp, distinct edges, that's direct sunlight (too bright), but if the shadow is soft and a bit blurry, that's indirect light (perfect!).

If natural light is scarce, you can try artificial lighting - an LED grow light can be a great alternative.

Temperature Changes

If it's not watering, soil, or light issues plaguing your droopy money tree, it could be sudden temperature changes.

Extreme temperature shifts, whether hot or cold, can wreak havoc on your money tree's well-being. As tropical plants, money trees relish the warmth and despise the cold, but they also don't enjoy excessive heat.

A temperature range of 65-80°F (18-27°C) is a cozy bracket that works wonders for their growth. Anything below or above this could spell droopy disaster.

How to Spot This Issue

If you've ruled out other potential issues, these signs could mean that your Money Tree is battling with temperature troubles:

  • Dry, yellowing leaves: This can be a sign that temperatures are too high, such as in the summer.

  • Drooping leaves: Money tree leaves can droop during the hot summers and cold winter months. Too much heat pulls moisture faster, while too much cold doesn't allow for transpiration.

  • Premature leaf drop: A money tree dropping leaves prematurely can be caused by sudden temperature fluctuations.


To keep your money tree content, stick to the temperature sweet spot of 65-80°F. Position your plant away from drafts and heating/AC vents to maintain temperature consistency.

During the colder winter months, you can maintain steady temperatures by warming up your home with a heater or fireplace but don't place your money tree directly near it.

Pests or Diseases

Dealing with drooping leaves due to pests or diseases can be a frustrating challenge for money tree owners.

Spider mites, whiteflies, mealybugs, scale, and aphids - these critters could be nibbling on your money tree. With these pests come diseases, often leaving behind black spots, which could be due to rot or mold.

The main reason why pests appear on your money tree could be that the plant is under stress, usually from incorrect care or its environment.

How to Spot This Issue

If you see actual bugs crawling about on your money plant or tiny webs, you definitely have a pest infestation on your hands. Other signs include:

  • Holes in the leaves: This can result from direct munching or puncture marks by sap-sucking pests.

  • Wilting and drooping leaves: Nutrients are depleted when sap-sucking pests feed on the plant, resulting in wilting and drooping money tree leaves.

  • Discoloration: Discolored yellow, brown, or black patches can indicate nutrient loss and disease.

  • Sticky substances and webs: Keep an eye out for clear sticky substances (left by pests, like aphids) and tiny webs (a sign of spider mites).


If you're dealing with a pest problem, follow these simple steps:

  • Isolate your money tree from other plants to prevent the spread of pests.

  • For aphids and spider mites, give your plant a gentle hose down outdoors, but be careful not to overwater.

  • For scale and mealybugs, use an alcohol-soaked cotton swab and wipe down the leaves.

  • Apply pest control solutions, either organic (like neem oil) or non-organic insecticidal soaps.

If it's not pests bugging your plant and you notice the appearance of black spots on the leaves, this could indicate the presence of harmful fungi or bacteria lurking in the foliage. Here's what to do if diseases are the reason behind your money tree drooping:

  • Keep the plant separate from other indoor plants to avoid spreading.

  • Trim away any affected areas.

  • Enhance air circulation and adopt smart watering practices to discourage disease growth - fungi love constantly wet plants.

  • When needed, use fungicides or bactericides to treat your plant.

Not Enough Humidity

As tropical plants that hail from Central and South America, money trees thrive in hot and humid landscapes, alongside swamps and riverbanks. These conditions mean that the money tree is a humidity lover, thriving in humidity levels of around 50% or higher.

When the air around money trees lacks moisture, those vibrant leaves can start to droop, wilt, and eventually fall.

How to Spot This Issue

  • Wilting and drooping leaves: Drooping money tree leaves are often a sign of a lack of moisture, either in the soil or on their leaves.

  • Brown tips: Low humidity can cause the tips of the leaves to brown and curl slightly.

  • Yellowing: A lack of sufficient humidity can also cause the leaves to turn yellow or slightly pale green.


To help recreate that cozy, humid environment that money trees love, here are some solutions:

  • Pebble tray: Boost humidity by placing the pot on a tray filled with pebbles and water, while ensuring that the soil does not touch the water. As the water evaporates, it creates a pocket of humidity around your plant.

  • Misting: A gentle misting in the morning every now and then can help provide your money tree with a little more moisture.

  • Relocation: Moving your money tree to humid rooms, like the bathroom and kitchen, can offer a naturally humid environment.

Leaves Dropping After Repotting

The dramatic leaf drooping of your money tree can make you wonder if you've inadvertently upset its balance. Don't worry, it's a common reaction to transplanting or changing your plant's environment.

When a plant is repotted or moved, it may experience shock if not cared for properly during and after the process. Money trees experience this shock for about 3-4 weeks after repotting.

How to Spot This Issue

A clear sign that the leaves are drooping due to repotting shock is the immediate distress your money tree shows right after being repotted or moved. You may also notice:

  • Yellowing or browning leaves

  • Wilting

  • Stunted growth


Unfortunately, there's no quick fix for repotting shock. Patience and the right knowledge of how to grow a money tree are the solutions.

Provide your money tree with the best possible growing conditions and wait for it to bounce back.

When repotting, make sure to water your money tree thoroughly, at least 24 hours before the process.

Timing matters too. Ideally, choose spring or early summer to repot your money tree. This period aligns with the plant's growth awakening from dormancy, allowing it to benefit from fresh nutrients and more room in its pot.


How often should you water a money tree?

There is no specific or "perfect" amount or timeframe you should water your money tree as this can vary based on the temperature, humidity, soil type, and sunlight it receives. As a general rule, aim to water your money tree once every 1-2 weeks, or when 1-2 inches of soil is dry.

How do I know if my money tree is dying?

There could be a few reasons why your Money Tree is dying, such as over or underwatering, too much sunlight, temperature fluctuations, low humidity, pests, or diseases.

Some telltale signs that your money tree is in trouble are:

  • Yellowing or browning leaves

  • Wilting leaves

  • White spots on the leaves

  • Rotten soil smell

  • Leggy growth

  • Shriveling, wrinkled leaves

  • Droopy appearance

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