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Why Is My Dragon Tree Drooping or Wilting? Common Causes and Solutions

Have you got a Dracaena Tree with drooping leaves and don't know why? Learn how to fix this issue below.

Dracaena fragrans

Why Is My Dragon Tree Drooping or Wilting? Common Causes and Solutions

Over or Under-Watering

Dracaena marginatas (Dragon Trees) are attractive-looking houseplants, with their long, arching leaves. They thrive in moderate to high humidity levels, thanks to their tropical Madagascarian origin.

The nice thing about Dragon Trees is that they're a pretty indestructible species. Meaning, they are drought-resistant, which is great if you tend to forget to water them from time to time. However, there is a fine line between keeping the soil of the plant dry and under-watering.

Overwatering, on the other hand, is a common problem seen in these plants, which can cause distress to these lovely exotic plants, resulting in droopy or wilted leaves.

To keep your Dragon Tree happy, only water it when the top half of the soil has completely dried. An ideal watering schedule for a Dracaena plant is:

  • Water around once a week in summer and spring.

  • In winter and fall, reduce your watering schedule to every other week.

If you've ever found yourself asking, "Why is my Dracaena drooping or wilting?", you're not alone! Let's take a look at some of the common watering issues associated with this plant.

Overwatering may lead to:

  • Root rot: Excessive watering can lead to root rot, a condition where the roots become mushy, soft, and discolored.

  • Yellow leaves: Overwatering often results in Dracaena leaves turning yellow.

  • Drooping leaves: Excessive water may cause leaves to droop.

  • Fungal infection: Too much moisture creates an environment that is susceptible to fungal growth.

Under-watering may cause:

  • Leaf drop: Too little water can lead to drooping leaves or leaves falling off completely.

  • Brown tips: Leaves may droop or appear wilted with brown tips.

  • Stunted growth: Lack of water can slow the plant's ability to undergo photosynthesis, resulting in slower growth.

How to Fix Over or Under-Watering

As mentioned, these plants are drought-resistant, and luckily, fixing the problem is easy to do. Once your watering schedule has been corrected, you'll notice that the plant leaves will perk up and the overall plant's health will improve!

It's important to mention that Dragon Trees are sensitive to chemicals (i.e. fluoride, chlorine, and salts) found in tap water. So, it's best to water your Dracaena plant using distilled or filtered water - rainwater is even better if it's available!

Helpful hint: If filtered water is unavailable, you can let tap water sit out for about 48 hours. This will allow the chlorine to evaporate.

How to fix overwatering:

  • Check drainage: Ensure that your pot has sufficient drainage holes to allow excess water to drain out. This will prevent root rot and waterlogged soil.

  • Repotting: If root rot has set in - where you'll notice that the roots are black, mushy, and smelly - you may need to repot the plant. When doing so, trim away any rotten roots (using clean and disinfected shears) and transfer the plant into new soil. Well-draining, porous potting soil with a 6.0–6.5 (slightly acidic) pH level is ideal for Dragon plants.

  • Adjust watering schedule: Reduce watering until the top few inches of soil feel dry.

  • Seasonal changes: These plants need more water during warmer months and less water during colder months.

How to fix under-watering:

  • Regular checks: Make it a habit to check the soil moisture regularly. The plant leaves should start to perk up once the watering schedule has been corrected.

  • Deep watering: Make sure that you give your Dragon Tree a healthy watering so that water reaches the root zone. A quick way to gauge this is by watering until you see excess water flow out of the drainage holes. This ensures that the plant is properly watered and the soil can drain properly.

  • Humidity: Consider increasing the humidity around your Dracaena marginata. You can do this by using a humidity/pebble tray or misting the leaves from time to time.

  • Seasonal changes: Be mindful of seasonal changes. Dragon Trees need more water during the growing season (spring and summer) and less water during their dormant phase (fall/winter).

Helpful hint: Dracaena plants can go about 3 weeks without water before they start to show signs of dehydration.

Soil Issues

Think of a Dragon Tree's soil as the "home" in which they live. A Dracaena marginata thrives in healthy soil, much like humans thrive in healthy environments. So, if you want a healthy Dracaena plant, the soil you use is very important!

The ideal soil mixture should have an equal ratio of fine gravel, peat moss, and leaf humus, with a pH level of 6.0-6.5 (slightly acidic).

Consequences of using the wrong soil:

  • Poor drainage: Soil that doesn't drain well can lead to waterlogged roots. Dragon Trees prefer well-draining soil.

  • Nutrient imbalance: Soil that is too acidic or alkaline can lead to nutrient deficiencies, which can cause drooping leaves.

  • Poor growth: Poor soil conditions can cause distress to the entire plant. This can lead to stunted growth, and drooping leaves, and increases the plant's risk of fungal and pest infestations.

  • Compaction: Over time, the soil becomes more compact. This reduces the amount the oxygen and air flowing to the plant's roots and inhibits its ability to absorb water properly. Soil that is too compact can also retain moisture for too long, potentially causing root rot - especially if the pot does not have sufficient drainage holes.

How to Fix Soil

  • Improve drainage: I can't stress how important this is; drainage holes are vital for your plant's health and could be a reason why your Dragon Tree's leaves are drooping.

  • Soil testing: Do a soil test to correct the pH levels. Adjust the soil with lime (to increase the pH) or sulfur (to reduce the pH) to reach the desired pH level of 6.0-6.5.

  • Aerate the soil: If the soil is too compact, gently loosen the top layer of soil using a gardening fork. Be careful not to poke too deep as you may damage the roots.

  • Repotting: You may need to consider if repotting is an option. If so, repot the plant with suitable, well-draining soil. Dragon Trees grow well in soil that is used for cacti, with equal ratios of fine gravel, peat moss, and leaf humus.

  • Fertilizer: If the soil is lacking in nutrients, consider using a well-balanced, slow-releasing fertilizer (i.e. plant food) or even a good-quality compost. Fertilize about once a month during the growing season (spring and summer), roughly every 6-8 weeks in the fall, and nothing during wintertime.

Top tip: Dracaena plants are slow growers and can take up to 10 years to reach maturity. So, don't be too alarmed if your little guy isn't gaining too much height yet!


These exotic, tropical plants thrive in indirect, bright light but do not like direct sunlight very much. Sunlight is a critical factor if you want to keep your plants healthy, otherwise, they'll begin to droop and wilt.

In saying that, Dracaena marginata plants can adapt to darker lighting conditions, but over time, you may notice drooping leaves or slight discoloration. This is easily fixed by moving the plant into indirect light; usually, a north or east-facing window works best!

Consequences of too little light:

  • Leggy growth: A lack of sunlight can cause the plant to become "leggy", with long stems and sparse foliage.

  • Lack of color: If you notice dropping leaves and/or dull or faded leaves, insufficient sunlight is most likely the cause.

  • Yellow leaves: Not enough sunshine can cause yellow, drooping leaves. This is a clear sign that your Dragon Tree isn't doing too well.

  • Reduced growth: While these plants are slow growers, not enough light can cause stunted growth.

Consequences of too much light:

  • Leaf burn: Direct harsh sunlight can scorch the leaves, causing brown or "crispy" tips.

  • Stress: While these plants are drought-resistant, too much sunlight can stress the plant, making it more susceptible to diseases and pests. Dracaena marginata plants prefer indirect bright light.

How to Fix Sunlight Issues

How to fix low lighting conditions:

  • Relocate: Moving your plant into bright, indirect light - such as by a north or east-facing window - can be helpful.

  • Artificial light: If natural sunlight is insufficient, consider using artificial lights to enhance your plant's growth.

How to fix excessive lighting conditions:

  • Shade: Move your plant to an area that has more shade and/or indirect light.

  • Filtered light: Curtains can be useful in providing filtered light to your houseplant.


Dragon Trees are generally pest-resistant. However, they can attract bugs such as red spider mites, mealybugs, scales, and aphids. While pests can be a significant concern to houseplants (and garden plants), they can be easily managed with insecticides.

Pests usually move in when plants are not healthy. This can be caused by overwatering and/or insufficient lighting conditions.

Consequences of pest infestations:

  • Leaf damage: Pests, like spider mites and mealybugs, can cause visible damage to Dracaena marginata leaves, which can cause the leaves to fall off.

  • Stunted growth: Infestations can lead to stunted growth, and/or can ultimately kill the plant if the issues are not addressed in time.

  • Disease spread: Diseases can spread to other plants in the home or garden.

How to Fix Pest Issues

  • Isolate: Once you have identified the type of pest on your plant, isolate the affected Dracaena marginata to prevent the spread of disease/pests to other plants.

  • Removal: Physically wipe off the visible pests with a damp cloth.

  • Treatment: Use a mild insecticide soap or neem oil (a natural insecticide) to treat the affected leaves and stems.

How to prevent pests:

  1. Regularly inspect your Dracaena plant for bugs and ensure that the ideal growing conditions are maintained.

  2. Overwatering forms a breeding ground for nasty pests, infections, and diseases.

  3. To keep your Dragon plant healthy, remove any affected plants from its vicinity.

Temperature Issues

This plant does not like temperature fluctuations and should be kept in a stable environment.

Ideal temperatures should be around 65-75°F (18-24°C), but not lower than 59°F (15°C).

Dracaena plants thrive in moderate to high humidity levels so avoid placing them near radiators in winter and/or air conditioning drafts in spring/summer.

Consequences of inadequate temperatures:

  • Cold: Temperatures below 50°F (10°C) can really stress out these plants, causing the leaves to droop and leaf discoloration.

  • Heat: Too much heat (from heating vents, for example) can cause the plant's leaves to wilt.

  • Leaf drop: Temperature fluctuations cause droopy leaves that can fall off.

  • Stress: Fluctuating temperatures can stress the plant, making it more susceptible to pests and diseases.

How to Fix Temperature Issues

  • Relocate: Move your plant to a more stable environment, where the temperature is around 65-75°F (18-24°C) with a moderate to high humidity level indoors.

  • Avoid: Keep your Dracaena marginata away from heating vents, air conditioning, and drafts.

Potting Issues (or Root Bound)

The size of a pot is usually not the first thing that comes to mind when trying to figure out what is causing your Dragon Tree to droop. But, in actual fact, it has a lot to do with keeping your plant healthy!

Potting issues have a significant impact on the overall health of a Dragon Tree. "Root-bound" means that the plant's root system has grown so much that there isn't much space left in the pot for it to grow.

Consequences of root-bound:

  • Reduced growth: When roots have no more room to grow, the plant's growth can become stunted.

  • Deficiencies: A root-bounded plant cannot absorb water and nutrients efficiently, causing the leaves to droop and/or the discoloration of leaves.

  • Water: Water may run straight through a root-bound pot, making it difficult for the plant to retain moisture.

Potting issues:

  • Poor drainage: A pot without sufficient drainage holes can lead to waterlogged soil and root rot.

  • Incorrect size: A pot that is too big can lead to the soil staying wet for too long. Alternatively, a pot that is too small can cause the root ball to bunch up, causing a bounded root system.

How to Fix Potting Issues

  • Repotting: If you suspect that your plant's root system has become root-bound, transplant it into a bigger pot that is roughly 2-5 inches wider in diameter than the current pot.

  • Pruning: While repotting, gently prune any dead or overgrown stems/roots.

  • Fresh soil: Use fresh, well-draining soil when repotting this plant.

  • Drainage: Ensure that the pot has sufficient drainage holes.

  • Pot size: Make sure that the pot size is right for the size of your Dracaena marginata plant. Generally, pots should be a few inches wider than the size of the plant's root ball.


Where do Dragon Trees come from?

Dragon Trees originated in Madagascar, an island located off the southeast coast of Africa.

Can a Dracaena marginata tolerate direct sunlight?

No. While these plants are fairly drought-resistant, they do not like to be directly in the sun. These tropical plants prefer bright, indirect light, with stable temperatures and moderate to high humidity levels.

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