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Dracaena fragrans 'lemon lime'

Lemon Lime Dracaena: Showy Green And Yellow Houseplant

Dracaena, also known as Dragon Tree, is a popular indoor plant known for its attractive appearance and air-purifying qualities. The lemon lime variety is a hybrid species characterized by its bright green and yellow variegated foliage.

Other names for this plant...

Dragon tree Corn plant Dracaena deremensis Warneckii Variegated corn plant Yellow Dracaena

About Lemon Lime Dracaena

This plant is easy to care for and can thrive in low-light conditions, making it an excellent option for homes and offices. With its unique and eye-catching appearance, lemon lime Dracaena adds a touch of green to any interior space and also helps to improve air quality.

The Dracaena lemon lime plant has several attractive features and uses that make it a popular indoor plant:

  • With its bright yellow and green leaves, the lemon lime Dracaena adds a bold pop of color and liveliness to any indoor space.

  • According to NASA, like many other species of Dracaena plants, the lemon lime variety is known to help purify the air by removing pollutants such as benzene and formaldehyde.

  • Dracaena lemon lime care is straightforward and thrives in low-light conditions, making it a great option for those without a green thumb.

  • The lemon lime Dracaena is relatively forgiving and can tolerate occasional neglect, making it an ideal choice for busy people or those who travel often.

  • Some people believe indoor plants such as the lemon lime Dracaena can help reduce stress and improve overall well-being.

Botanical Name

The botanical name for the lemon lime Dracaena is the Dracaena fragrans 'lemon lime.'

Plant Type

The lemon lime Dracaena is a broadleaf evergreen plant belonging to the family Asparagaceae and the genus Dracaena. This means it maintains its large, showy leaves year-round.


The lemon lime Dracaena is not a naturally occurring species but a hybrid variety of the species Dracaena fragrans. The Dracaena fragrans species is native to tropical African regions, including Kenya, Tanzania, and Mozambique.

This species was initially grown for its sturdy wood, which was used for various purposes, including building construction, furniture making, and as a source of fuel. Over time, the species was also cultivated for its attractive appearance and air-purifying qualities, leading to the development of hybrid varieties such as the lemon lime Dracaena.


The lemon lime Dracaena is characterized by its bright green and neon yellow variegated leaves. The leaves are long and narrow, with a glossy appearance.

It produces clusters of small, fragrant white flowers that bloom in the spring, but indoor Dracaenas rarely bloom. The thick steam has leaves in the form of a rosette, similar to other dracaena plants.

Lemon lime Dracaena has vibrant yellow and green variegated leaves.

Types Of Lemon Lime Dracaenas

As mentioned, lemon lime Dracaena is not a separate species but a cultivar of the Dracaena fragrans species. Dracaena fragrans is a plant species in the family Asparagaceae and is native to tropical African regions. Several cultivars of Dracaena fragrans, including the popular lemon lime variety, are known for their bright green and yellow variegated leaves.

Other cultivars of Dracaena fragrans include Massangeana (also known as the "Corn Plant"), Warneckii, and Compacta. These cultivars differ in size, shape, color of their leaves, growth habits, and overall appearance.

Lemon Lime Dracaena Styling 

The lemon lime Dracaena is a versatile indoor plant that can be styled in a variety of ways to suit different spaces and decor styles:

  • This indoor plant makes a great statement piece in a room and can create a focal point. It is particularly effective when placed in a corner or near a window.

  • Placing multiple lemon lime Dracaenas together can create a lush and tropical feel in a room. Grouping plants of different sizes and heights can add depth and interest to a space.

  • Combining the lemon lime Dracaena with other plants creates a multi-layered and textured indoor garden. It pairs well with ferns, palms, and other tropical plants.

  • The lemon lime Dracaena can be shaped into a topiary with careful pruning and training.


The lemon lime Dracaena is a low-light tolerant plant, making it a great choice for indoor spaces without direct light. It can grow in bright indirect light or low-light conditions, but it may become leggy and less compact if it doesn't receive enough sunlight.

It will grow best and maintain its vibrant variegation when given bright, indirect sunlight. Direct sun can scorch the leaves.


The lemon lime Dracaena likes to be kept consistently moist but not waterlogged. Water the plant when the top inch of the soil feels dry. This plant may need to be watered once a week or more frequently in warm, dry conditions.

Good drainage is vital for the lemon lime Dracaena, as the plant can develop root rot if the soil stays too wet. You should use a pot with a drainage hole and a well-draining potting mix.

It's best to use room temperature water for the lemon lime Dracaena, as cold water can shock the plant. Avoid using water with high mineral content, which can lead to soil salt buildup over time.


The lemon lime Dracaena is a tropical plant that prefers warm, consistent temperatures. It is best grown in temperatures between 65 and 85°F (18 and 29°C), with minimum temperatures above 50°F (10°C).

The plant can be sensitive to sudden temperature changes and fluctuations, so it's best to avoid placing it near cold, drafty windows or doors.


The lemon lime Dracaena prefers high humidity, making it a good choice for moist, tropical environments. It can tolerate lower humidity levels, but an environment that is too dry will cause brown leaves.


The lemon lime Dracaena prefers well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter. Good potting soil or a mixture of peat moss, perlite, and sand is ideal. The plant should not be left in standing water, which leads to root rot.


Pruning is important to maintain the lemon lime Dracaena's appearance and health. Pruning can be done to remove yellow or damaged leaves, control the plant's height, or encourage bushier growth.

When pruning, make clean cuts just above a node or leaf to avoid leaving a stub that can become infected. Regular pruning can also help the plant grow fuller and bushier, promoting its overall health and appearance.


The lemon lime Dracaena benefits from regular fertilization, especially during the growing season. A balanced, water-soluble, slow-release fertilizer can be applied every 4 to 6 weeks in spring and summer.

During the fall and winter, when the plant is dormant, it is best to reduce fertilization to every 8 to 12 weeks. Overfertilization can lead to leaf burn.

Height & Growth

Leaves can grow up to 3 feet long and have slightly curved shapes. The plant has a sturdy stem reaching 6 to 8 feet tall, making it an excellent option for filling empty spaces in a room. Dracaenas are slow-growing, so it will take several years to reach maximum size in optimal growing conditions.


The plant contains compounds called saponins that are toxic to people, dogs, cats, and other small animals. A pet or child consuming any part of the plant can suffer from symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, and loss of appetite. In severe cases, ingestion of the plant can lead to more serious symptoms, including tremors, seizures, and even death.


The lemon lime Dracaena is toxic to pets if ingested.

Common Problems 

  • Leaf yellowing is caused by several factors, including over-watering, under-fertilizing, or a lack of sunlight. Leaves with brown tips are a result of air that is too dry. Yellow or brown leaves may indicate fluoride toxicity.

  • Leaf drop is a sign of stress and results from changes in temperature, humidity, or light levels.

  • Root rot is a result of over-watering or poor soil drainage. If the root rot is severe, repotting the plant into fresh soil may be necessary.

  • Pests, such as mealybugs and spider mites, can infest dracaena plants.

Lemon Lime Dracaena plants can be particular about sun and water. Adjust its care and prune away any damaged leaves.

How To Propagate Lemon Lime Dracaena

Lemon lime Dracaena can be propagated through stem cuttings.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the lemon lime dracaena flower look like?

The lemon lime Dracaena rarely flowers as an indoor plant. In its native habitat, it will occasionally produce a single stalk of pale pinkish-white clusters of flowers.

Where can you buy lemon lime dracaena?

Lemon lime Dracaena can be purchased from many garden centers, nurseries, and online retailers specializing in plants and gardening supplies. Some popular retailers include Home Depot, Lowe's, Amazon, and Etsy. You can also visit local greenhouses or botanical gardens that offer a variety of houseplants for sale.

What type of soil does lemon lime dracaena need?

Lemon lime Dracaena prefers well-draining, nutrient-rich soil. A commercial potting mix specifically formulated for houseplants or a blend of equal parts peat moss, perlite, and sand can be used.

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