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Maranta leuconeura Lemon

Lemon Lime Maranta (Prayer Plant)

The Lemon Lime Maranta Prayer Plant is adored for its intricate and colorful foliage, making them a striking addition with a tropical touch to your home and a wonderful low-maintenance plant to care for.

Lemon Lime Maranta
  • Lemon Lime Maranta
  • Lemon Lime Maranta being watered
  • Brown tip on a Lemon Lime Maranta leaf
  • Lemon Lime Maranta being pruned

Other names for this plant...

Prayer Plant 'Lemon Lime' Maranta Leuconeura 'Lemon Lime' Maranta Fascinator 'Lemon Lime' 'Praying Hands' Plant

About The Lemon Lime Maranta

Prayer plants are lovely tropical perennials known for their colorful leaves. And one of the standouts in this group is the Maranta 'Lemon Lime' Prayer Plant - its foliage and colors are simply stunning, which is why it's loved by houseplant enthusiasts.

Originating in tropical conditions, this green gem has a beautiful trailing and clumping growth pattern that gives it a lush and full look. Picture this: oval-shaped leaves with green spots, dark green streaks, and white stripes that almost look like they're hand-painted.

But, the real showstopper is their unique leaf ritual. The Lemon Lime Maranta is called a Prayer Plant because its leaves fold together like praying hands. During the early hours of dawn, they open up and fold in again at dusk. This phenomenon is called "nyctinasty."

It's quite fascinating how it works - all thanks to a joint in their stems called a "pulvinus," right below where the leaf meets the stem. This joint follows a circadian clock, making the leaves fold outwards during the day and inwards at night when it's darker. Like us, they have their own little routine.

The Lemon Lime Maranta is a real stunner, not just because of its look, but also for the natural daily show it puts on. So, if you've been looking for a truly unique touch to your indoor jungle, the Lemon Lime Prayer Plant is the perfect choice.

Botanical Name

This Prayer Plant is scientifically known as Maranta leuconeura var. lemon lime erythroneura - which is quite a mouthful! Put more simply, its botanical name is Maranta leuconeura 'Lemon Lime'.

The "leuconeura" part in its botanical name means "white veins" when translated. This refers to the peculiar characteristic of its leaves. On the other hand, the varietal name "erythroneura" comes from Latin and translates to "red veins," highlighting another distinct characteristic of this remarkable plant.

As for the genus, "Maranta" refers to the Italian botanist named Bartolomea Maranti (1500-1571).


The Maranta Lemon Lime belongs to the Marantaceae family, a fascinating group of flowering plants. Native to the Brazilian tropical forests, this species also includes cousins like the Stromanthe, Calathea, and Ctenanthe.

Belonging to the genus Maranta, the Lemon Lime plant is just one of around 50 recognized species of flowering plants in this group. These diverse plants all share the captivating ability to pray, opening their leaves during the day and closing them once again during the night.


This beautiful green Prayer Plant hails from the lush tropical rainforests of Brazil; specifically thriving in the Amazon basin and the Atlantic Forest. You can also find it in neighboring countries like Colombia and Venezuela.

Thanks to its popularity as a beloved houseplant, this prayer plant is now cultivated across the world.


The Maranta Lemon Lime is prized for its stunning leaf patterns and captivating color scheme. You can't miss those broad, oval leaves, measuring around 10-15 cm long and 5-8 cm wide. The lime green midrib and veins contrast beautifully with the dark green lines that fade into light green at the leaf margins.

The veins on the leaves are equally impressive, standing out in a lighter shade of green, white, or even pink! As the day goes by, the leaves start spreading outwards, reaching for sunlight. And when evening approaches, they fold up and become more upright, looking like praying hands.

Lemon Lime Maranta
Photo: IndoorPlants.comThe Lemon Lime Maranta is native to the rainforests of South America.

Shop: Buy Lemon Lime Maranta here at Dahing Plants

Besides its beautiful leaves, you'll also notice its compact size, standing around 12 inches. Their rhizomatous stems clump together close to the ground, giving the plant that full and bushy appearance.


This is a truly gorgeous houseplant, primarily due to its stunning foliage. It's a versatile plant that can be styled in numerous ways to spruce up your home decor.

One fantastic way to showcase the beauty of this vibrant green Prayer Plant is by hanging it in a planter. This not only decorates large spaces but also allows the plant to spread sideways, eventually creating a trailing effect when its leaves grow longer.

This houseplant also looks just as beautiful as a centerpiece on a table. The bright neon green leaves instantly draw the eye and pull the space together. No matter whether your home has a neutral or colorful theme, this prayer plant makes a wonderful statement piece.

Fun fact: The Lemon Lime prayer plant can also contribute to positive energy and feng shui in your home. As a living thing, it is associated with the Wood element and is believed to bring good luck and prosperity.

So, not only does it bring visual delight, but it can also bring a sense of harmony and good vibes to your living spaces!


These Prayer plants love to bask in bright, indirect light. Direct sunlight is not suitable for them it can lead to burnt tips and faded or bleached foliage, diminishing their beautiful color.

The ideal spot for the Lemon Lime plant is near an east- or north-facing window. This placement provides the plant with the bright, indirect light it craves while protecting it from direct sun.

If you're keeping the plant outdoors, position it under the shade of trees or an artificial shade.


The Maranta Lemon Lime is a water-loving plant that thrives in moist soil. Water the plant when the top inch of the potting soil feels dry to the touch.

Be mindful not to over-water or under-water, as either can result in brown leaves and other problems. To prevent waterlogging and root rot, make sure the pot has proper drainage holes.

A balanced watering approach will help your prayer plant thrive and show off its vibrant colors.


For the best results, maintain a consistent room temperature of 60°F to 80°F for this Maranta plant. Avoid placing it near vents, heaters, or drafty windows, as this plant is sensitive to temperature fluctuations.

This Prayer Plant prefers a stable environment, so be sure to adjust its temperature needs to the appropriate season for a happy, healthy plant.


The Maranta Lemon Lime thrives best in high-humidity levels, ideally around 50-60%. There are a few tips and tricks to help you in achieving this.

For one, you can place a tray filled with water and pebbles under the pot to create a humid microclimate. You can also occasionally mist the leaves with distilled or filtered water or place a humidifier near the plant.

Another helpful tip is to group your Maranta plant with other humidity-loving plants.


These Prayer plants require a well-draining, peat-based soil mix. An ideal mix consists of 40-50% peat moss, 20-30% perlite, 10-20% vermiculite, and 10-20% coco coir. This combination ensures proper drainage and aeration for the plant roots. And, the preferred soil pH for this plant is slightly acidic, ideally around 6.0 to 6.5.

Since Maranta Lemon Lime has shallow root systems, it's best to use shallow pots. If the pot is too large, the plant might suffer and not receive the necessary nutrients.


To maintain this prayer plant's beauty and encourage new foliage growth, it's essential to prune damaged or affected leaves.

Throughout the year, make sure to snip away any dead, yellow, or damaged leaves, as well as brown leaf tips and stems that may need pruning.

At the end of winter, consider performing a thorough pruning to stimulate fresh, new growth for the upcoming spring.

Key tip: Sanitize your gardening tools before using them as contaminated tools can cause infestations or diseases.


This prayer plant benefits highly from fertilizer, particularly during the growing season of spring and summer. These plants prefer acidic nutrients, so using a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer is recommended, diluting it to half-strength.

Feed the plant every four to six weeks during the growing season and be cautious not to overfertilize, as excess fertilizer can cause salt buildup in the soil and harm your plant's health.

Height & Growth

These plants are relatively small and short, reaching a mature size of about 12 inches in height and spreading up to 14 inches. They typically stay compact and don't grow much taller than one foot.

These Prayer plants can grow quite fast, but they actually prefer being root bound and having their roots tightly contained within the pot. You can also manage the size by trimming the plant once it has reached maturity to help maintain its desired size and shape.


Great news! The Lemon Lime Maranta is completely non-toxic, so you can enjoy its beauty without worrying about any harmful effects.


More great news for pet parents; the Lemon Lime Maranta is non-toxic to our furry friends. Although, it's always best to exercise caution and prevent your pets from chewing on the plants. You may never know if there might be a reaction.

Lemon Lime Maranta being watered
Photo: IndoorPlants.comThe Maranta Lemon Lime is a water-loving plant that thrives in moist soil.

Common Problems

  • Pests: Common culprits for household Lemon Lime plants are sap-feeders like mealybugs and spider mites. If there is an infestation of spider mites or mealybugs, you may notice small yellow spots on the leaves, along with slight browning and curling at the edges over time.

    To tackle these pesky invaders, wash them off with a cotton roll to scrub them away, or use neem oil. Neem oil works well as it can target both mature pests and their larvae.

  • Root rot: Root rot is a serious issue that can arise from poor soil drainage, leading to waterlogged conditions and fungal attacks on the plant's roots.

    If your plants show wilting or stunted growth, they may have root rot. Act quickly by repotting in fresh soil to aid their recovery.

Brown tip on a Lemon Lime Maranta leaf
Photo: IndoorPlants.comBrown leaves are typically a sign of a dry environment, too much bright light, or salts from tap water harming the leaves.
  • Brown and curly leaf tips: Leaf curling and browning indicate the plant's unhappiness. This is typically a sign of a dry environment, too much bright light, or salts from tap water harming the leaves.

    To remedy this, ensure proper humidity and water the plant with distilled or filtered water.

  • Leaf spot: This is a common bacterial disease in Lemon Lime prayer plants, which can occur when water lingers on the plant leaves or from contaminated tools. It typically presents as a yellow or brown spot on older leaves.

    To treat it, use a liquid copper bactericide consistently. Remove affected leaves and sometimes whole sections of stems to prevent further spread.

Lemon Lime Maranta being pruned
Photo: IndoorPlants.comPruning helps maintain this prayer plant's beauty and encourage new foliage growth.


Is the Lemon Lime Maranta considered invasive?

No, these prayer plants are not considered invasive in the United States. Although, if you live in a tropical or semi-tropical region and decide to plant this fast-spreading plant directly in your landscape, be sure to prevent unwanted spread.

Can you propagate Lemon Lime Maranta?

Yes, you can propagate this Prayer Plant. The most popular and rewarding method is water propagation.

To propagate, take a cutting with at least two leaves and a node (the wider join in the stem where stems grow from). Cut just below the node and let the cutting dry for an hour or two to allow the wound to heal.

Afterward, you can propagate the cutting in water, sphagnum moss, or soil. Water propagation in a glass jar is a common choice as it allows you to observe root growth. Once the roots are established, you can transfer the cutting into soil. Be mindful to use filtered tap water, as Lemon Lime Maranta can be sensitive to "hard" water.

Should I mist my Lemon Lime Maranta?

Misting your Lemon Lime Maranta can help improve its humidity levels, but a light hand is essential. Misting your prayer plant too often and too much can make it susceptible to fungal and bacterial infections.

If you choose to mist, do so sparingly, no more than twice a week, and from a distance. Mist lightly and in the early morning, allowing the plant to dry up by midafternoon.

Why is my Prayer Plant not praying? 

If your Prayer Plant is not praying, it could be due to a few common reasons. First, check the light levels as either too much (such as direct sunlight) or too little can cause the leaves to stop moving.

Another possibility is improper watering, such as the soil being too wet or too dry. Your Prayer Plant might also stop praying due to shock such as repotting or transport shock - moving it to a new environment can cause it to stop praying.

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