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Epipremnum aureum 'Neon'

Neon Pothos

The Neon Pothos is a dazzling indoor plant, standing out with its lime-green foliage, trailing stems, and low-maintenance nature.

Neon Pothos
  • Neon Pothos plant
  • Neon Pothos
  • Neon Pothos
  • Neon Pothos soil
  • Misting a neon pothos

Other names for this plant...

Devil's Ivy 'Neon' Ceylon Creeper 'Neon'

About the Neon Pothos

If you're a beginner plant parent who loves the beauty of indoor greenery without the fuss, then the Neon Pothos is perfect for your next plant purchase.

A cultivar of the beloved Pothos, the Neon Pothos plant's bright green heart-shaped leaves will wow you while its tough-cookie nature will put your plant caring stresses at ease.

There's so much you can do with this plant in your indoor space. From hanging baskets to trellises, the Neon Pothos is ready to make a statement in your home.

Neon Pothos plant
Photo: IndoorPlants.comThe Neon Pothos (Epipremnum aureum 'Neon') originates from the lush landscapes of the Solomon Islands.


The Neon Pothos plant belongs to the Araceae family, which happens to be the same family as some other houseplant favorites like the Philodendron, Monstera, and Peace Lily. Interestingly, the Pothos is the only species in the flowering family that does not produce blooms.

Other popular Pothos varieties you'll find in this family include the ever-popular Golden Pothos, Marble Queen Pothos, and Satin Pothos.


The Neon Pothos originates from the lush landscapes of the Solomon Islands, where it thrives by climbing trees and growing along the tropical forest floor. You'll also find the Neon Pothos in the tropical regions of Southeast Asia and the Polynesian Islands.


From the moment your eye catches the Neon Pothos, you'll see instantly how it got its name.

While the Neon Pothos shares its iconic heart-shaped leaves with other Pothos plants, it sets itself apart with its lime-green coloring. Instead of the traditional white variegation found in other Pothos varieties, the Noen Pothos displays solid lemon-lime leaves that appear almost radiant.

Neon Pothos
Photo: IndoorPlants.comThe Neon Pothos plant's bright green heart-shaped leaves.

When this Pothos plant is young, its leaves unfurl in the most striking neon green color. Over time, the leaves start to gradually turn into a darker green as the plant matures. As new leaves grow and old ones transform, it creates a stunning ombre effect.

Besides its showy foliage, the vines also enhance the beauty of the plant as they hang down.

Neon Pothos
Photo: IndoorPlants.comThe Neon Pothos can adapt to lower light conditions, but it truly thrives in bright, indirect light.


Styling a Neon Pothos plant in your home is a creative journey with endless options. These plants are versatile with their growth patterns, trailing, hanging, or climbing, so it won't be hard to make it stand out in your space.

A great design choice is suspending your Neon Pothos in a hanging basket, allowing its vines to gracefully cascade down. The plant's unique coloring complements minimal aesthetics, adding color to bookshelves and tropical vibes to cozy seating areas.

Another styling option is to weave your Neon Pothos around a moss pole or trellis. A trellis works great for creating a Pothos wall that becomes the focal point of any room.


How much sun a Pothos needs will depend on the variegation of the plant. In the case of the Neon Pothos, this plant is a year-round grower and can adapt to lower light conditions, but it truly thrives in bright, indirect light. A great spot to provide this plant with ample bright, indirect light is near a north or east-facing window.

You want to avoid direct sunlight, as this could scorch those beautiful yellow-green leaves. On the flip side, not enough light will result in smaller, pale green leaves; finding a balance is key.


You want to maintain just the right level of soil moisture for your Neon Pothos - moist but not soggy. Fortunately, the Pothos is forgiving and can tolerate occasional lapses in watering. How often you water a Pothos will depend on the conditions and seasons.

It's easy to tell when the Neon Pothos needs water by checking if the top 2-3 inches of the soil are dry. Give the plant a thorough watering and ensure that the pot has proper drainage to prevent waterlogged roots.


As plants native to warm climates, the Neon Pothos loves living in a cozy environment with temperatures around 70-90°F. This is the average room temperature in a home, so if you're comfortable, your Neon Pothos will be too.

This Pothos can endure temperatures as low as 50°F, but this may stunt its growth and cause the leaves to darken.


The Neon Pothos enjoys higher humidity too. A humidity level of 50% is more than enough, but your Neon Pothos will reward you with faster growth when you increase its humidity.

Here are some simple tricks to boost the humidity around your Neon Pothos: use a humidifier, occasionally mist the plant, or group it with other humidity-loving plants, or use a pebble tray filled with water.


The Neon Pothos will flourish beautifully in soil that's loamy, moist, and well-draining. Standard houseplant soil works perfectly fine but an airy mix is ideal.

Your Neon Pothos will appreciate a chunky, organic blend of one part regular potting soil, one part perlite, and one part orchid bark.


Given how low-maintenance the Neon Pothos is, you won't find yourself whipping out the pruning shears often. But, some periodic pruning may be needed for occasional yellowing leaves and tangly growth.

Pruning is also great if you want to make your Neon Pothos bushier. Simply trim just above a node to encourage new growth and fresh vines from the nodes. Be careful not to overdo the pruning, though, trimming no more than a quarter of the plant at once.


Neon Pothos aren't too fussy about fertilizer and can do just fine in well-prepared soil. Although, you can certainly enhance its growth by providing a monthly dose of balanced liquid fertilizer during the growing season.

When the plant goes dormant during winter and fall, hold off on fertilizing completely.

Height & Growth

Neon Pothos grow steadily, but they have been shown to be fast growers. As cozy houseplants, under ideal growing conditions, a Neon Pothos can achieve around a foot of growth each month during its growing season.

If you decide to plant your Neon Pothos outdoors, you may see it reach impressive heights of over 20 feet long.


Despite all its beauty, the Neon Pothos is toxic. While they're not deadly, they do contain insoluble calcium oxalate crystals in their leaves and stems, which can be harmful if ingested and can cause skin irritation if touched.


Now, is the Neon Pothos toxic to our furry friends? Yes. If your pets are known to be curious nibblers, you'll want to keep this plant far out of reach. Using them as a hanging plant is the easiest way to ensure they don't cause any harm to your beloved pet.

Neon Pothos soil
Photo: IndoorPlants.comThe Neon Pothos will flourish beautifully in soil that's loamy, moist, and well-draining.

Common Problems

Neon Pothos plant care can be a breeze, but that doesn't mean you won't face the possibility of plant-ailing problems. Although these plants are hard to kill, they can still face common problems, such as:

  • Root rot: This often occurs when the roots have been sitting in water or overly soggy soil. To avoid this, use pots with drainage holes and only water your Neon Pothos when the top few inches of soil dries out.

  • Pests: The Neon Pothos is usually pretty tough against common plant pests, but spider mites, thrips, mealybugs, and scale can still find their way onto your plant. You can easily remedy this with neem oil or a plant insecticidal soap.

  • Brown leaf tips: While they don't require high humidity, the Neon Pothos may develop brown, crispy leaf tips if the air in your home is very dry. Boost the moisture around your plant with a humidifier or pebble tray with water.

  • Small or pale leaves: Your Neon Pothos may sprout smaller leaves when grown as a trailing or hanging plant, but this usually takes years to happen. If you suddenly spot little leaves, it could mean that your plant is craving more light.

  • Soft brown spots on the leaves: This usually signals overwatering and the possible start of root rot. Don't rush to water again; give the soil some time to dry out.

Misting a neon pothos
Photo: IndoorPlants.comNeon Pothos plants enjoyed humidity, misting them occasionally can help.


Does a Neon Pothos purify the air?

Yes, the Neon Pothos serves as a natural air purifier, a fact supported by NASA. This plant effectively removes toxins from the air, contributing to improved indoor air quality.

Is the Neon Pothos plant rare?

No, the Neon Pothos is not considered a rare plant, as the standard variety (that is, the Pothos with only green foliage) is quite common. However, the variegated Neon Pothos with its green, lime, and cream coloring, is quite rare.

Why does my Neon Pothos have patches of darker green variegation?

Occasionally, a Neon Pothos may develop patches of darker green variegation as a result of genetic mutations. This variegation is harmless and can even lend a unique charm to the foliage.

However, if you start to notice that new growth appears darker and less vibrant, it could mean your Neon Pothos is not receiving sufficient light exposure.

How do you propagate a Neon Pothos?

You can easily propagate your Neon Pothos by using the stem-cutting method. First, you want to know how to trim a Pothos before you decide to go ahead and propagate. This is essentially for propagating correctly.

If you already are familiar with this, you can jump straight into propagation. Here's how:

  1. Start by selecting a healthy vine and carefully trim away the lowermost leaf to expose the leaf node.

  2. Ensure that each of your stem cuttings has at least one or two leaves.

  3. Submerge your Neon Pothos cuttings in a small container of water and watch as the new roots start to grow.

  4. Once these roots reach one inch, you can transfer the cuttings into a pot with soil.

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