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Curio rowleyanus

String of Pearls: Elegant Trailing Succulent Houseplant

This highly sought-after hanging succulent is a very popular houseplant. With small, pea-sized balls that hang like a string of pearls, the beautiful plant adds a touch of elegance anywhere in your home.

Other names for this plant...

String of beads Rosary plant

About String of Pearls Plant

Though it may be a bit more high maintenance than other indoor plants, this gorgeous vining succulent is worth the extra work. Whether placed in hanging baskets by the window or on a high shelf that showcases its beautiful trailing vines, it is a statement piece in any room.

Botanical Name

The string of pearls plant was previously classified under the genus Senecio rowleyanus, but was recently changed to Curio rowleyanus. It is in the daisy (Asteraceae) family.

Plant Type

The string of pearls plant is considered a succulent, which is a tracheophyte. Tracheophytes are vascular plants, meaning water and food are carried throughout the plant via lignified and non-lignified tissues.

These plants are also considered trailing plants, meaning they have long, trailing stems hanging from the plant. 


These plants grow natively in South Africa. 


This unique, trailing vine succulent gets its name from the small, bright green, spherical leaves that look like “pearls” or peas. The bead-like leaves trail down the plant’s long stems and can grow up to 3 feet long in the right conditions.

They may also produce small, white flowers, though they don’t tend to flower frequently indoors.

Healthy string of pearls have small pink and white flowers during the growing season.

Types Of String of Pearls Plants

There are several varieties of this unique plant, but here are some of our favorites:

  • String of tears

  • String of beads

  • Variegated string of pearls

  • Purple string of beads

  • Variegated string of tears

String of Pearls Styling 

Because these are trailing succulents, it is best to place them high up so that their vines can hang. They look beautiful in hanging pots, but can also be used to style a bookshelf or any shelf high enough off the ground to allow for optimal growth. String of pearls plants can also be planted in modern wall planters and grouped with other plants, like ivy or Pothos, to create a living wall.

We love these stylish plants as accents in a home office or even the corner of a bedroom, as they give a beautiful pop of green and hang so elegantly.

String of pearls are often styled in hanging baskets.


The string of pearls plant likes bright light, but not all day long. While they like some direct sunlight, you should be careful not to burn your plant. They thrive on receiving light 6 to 8 hours a day, but it is best to put them in a sunny window that gets most of its direct sun in the morning because the sun isn’t as strong then.


Over-watering a string of pearls succulent can lead to brown, mushy leaves and root rot, which will kill your plant, so make sure the soil is dry between waterings. However, if you wait too long to water, you may notice some wilting or shriveling of the leaves.


The string of pearls generally does well in average indoor temperatures, between 55 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit, though they tend to do better on the warmer end. While they tolerate hotter temperatures, they are not so fond of lower temperatures, and anything below 50 degrees will result in a damaged or dead plant.


These plants do best in average humidity but prefer lower humidity to higher humidity.


Any well-draining potting mix or succulent soil should work, though string of pearl plants do best in sandy soil. You can also make your own potting soil at home by mixing soil, sand, perlite, or pumice to ensure proper drainage.

Remember that your plant’s pot should have proper drainage holes to ensure the plant’s root system isn’t sitting in water. Root rot is a common issue with succulents that prefer for their soil to dry out between waterings.


Regular pruning will promote thicker, fuller plants. Cut off any dead or diseased stems right away. Save your cuttings to propagate new plants to share with friends and family!


You can feed your plant once or twice per month during the growing season, but make sure you use a diluted, half-strength fertilizer to not overfertilize. 

Height & Growth

Given the right conditions and care, a string of pearls can reach up to 3 feet long.


This beautiful plant should be kept away from pets and children, as it is toxic and can cause vomiting and lethargy if ingested. The good news is that because it is primarily styled as a hanging plant, it’s easy to keep out of reach.


String of pearls is toxic to pets.

Common Problems 

  • Over-watering: If you over-water your plant or let it sit in water, your plant will become unhealthy and eventually die.

  • Not receiving enough light: String of pearls plants like a combination of direct and indirect sunlight. If they do not receive enough light, they may wilt or become leggy.

  • Receiving too much direct light: If your plant is getting too much direct sunlight, especially in the later hours of the day, it can scorch your plant’s leaves, leaving them with a brownish color.

  • Pests: Some common pests include aphids, mites, whiteflies, gnats, ants, and mealybugs. These insects are more likely to take hold in an unhealthy plant.

Healthy string of pearls look like plump little peas. Underwatering will cause the "leaves" to wrinkle and shrink.

How To Propagate String of Pearls

String of pearls can be easily propagated with stem cuttings. Use sterile sheers or scissors and cut stems directly below a leaf node. Remove the last two leaves from each stem and allow the stems to sit out for a day or two, allowing the cut ends to callous over.

Once this has happened, place the cut end into the pot of soil you have made and pack the soil mix around the end of the stems. Wait a few days before watering the soil. Make sure the pot is in a bright spot with plenty of indirect light. After a few weeks, shallow roots should begin to form. Allow the soil to dry completely in between waterings.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are string of pearls plants easy to care for?

String of pearls care is rather easy, as they only need water once or twice a month. However, be careful about the spot you place your plant, as they need quite a lot of sun without getting sunburned.

How long do string of pearls plants live?

Though they are fast growers, these succulent plants are short-lived, only living around 3-5 years before losing their vitality and dying off. However, string of pearls propagation is rather easy, so you can continually grow new plants.

What are the best conditions for string of pearls?

These plants thrive on a combination of direct and indirect sunlight. They also need a well-draining soil mix to allow their soil to dry out completely between waterings. Also, keep them in a place without extreme temperatures or humidity.

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