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Monstera deliciosa

Thai Constellation Plant: A Special Variegated Monstera

The Thai constellation plant is a unique variety of variegated Monstera Deliciosa from a single tissue culture laboratory in Thailand. The foliage is colorful and stunning, with splotches of white and cream along large green leaves.

Other names for this plant...

Monstera Thai constellation Thai Monstera

About Thai constellation

Thai constellation Monstera is a slow-growing, rare plant. It appears similar to its parent plant, Monstera Deliciosa, with classic Monstera leaves, but the Thai constellation’s leaves are variegated. The Thai constellation plant has cream or off-white splatters on its large green leaves. People compare the splotches to looking like a starry night sky, which is how the plant got its name, constellation. The light splatters on the leaves are a mutation caused by a lack of chlorophyll.

Thai constellations are commonly used as indoor plants because of their stunning foliage. Although Thai constellation plant care can be complex with their sensitive root systems, the beauty and rarity of this plant is worth it.

Botanical Name

The botanical name for the Thai constellation is Monstera Deliciosa Thai Constellation. It is part of the Araceae family, which contains close to 50 species of Monstera.

Plant Type

Thai constellations are epiphytes or air plants. Epiphytes are aroid plants that grow on top of other plants. Being epiphytes, Thai constellations have sensitive, aerial roots that belong to the Araceae family. Epiphytes are commonly found in tropical climates and rely on nutrients from the air, rain, and debris as they climb trees for support.


his variegated Monstera Deliciosa was first developed in a laboratory in Thailand, where the "Thai" part of its name comes from. Most plant origins can be traced to many locations in the wild, but the Thai constellation is a lab-made plant. Because of this, the plant is rare, expensive, and difficult to find.


Thai constellation plants are variegated plants, so they are colorful. While other plant variegation patterns are more uniform, the Thai constellation’s dark green leaves with splashes of creamy and yellow coloration are random and unpredictable.

Their giant and glossy leaves are heart-shaped with holes in them, which is why Monsteras also have the nickname ‘Swiss cheese plant.’ Thai constellations have short nodes, which give them a bushy appearance despite technically being a vine.

Thai constellations have dark green leaves with splashes of white and cream.

Types Of Thai Constellation Plants

There are many different Monstera varieties with their own variations in size and colors. Popular types of variegated Monsteras include:

Thai Constellation Styling 

Since Thai constellation plants can grow quite large, place them in a location where they'll have plenty of room to grow. A moss pole or a stake can be beneficial in helping your Thai constellation climb, which is its natural tendency as a Monstera. Putting the plant in a corner window with filtered light will keep the plant happy and add lush, tropical greenery to any space.

Moss poles can support a climbing Thai constellation.


Thai constellations require plenty of bright indirect light, but they will burn in direct sunlight. Since Thai constellations have mutations in their chlorophyll, the plant has to work harder than most plants to photosynthesize. The cream-colored spots do not absorb light.


Thai constellations should be moist but not wet. Let the top inch of soil dry before you water it again. Thai constellations should be watered about once a week during spring and summer and less during winter.


Thai constellations thrive in warm environments with a room temperature between 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Any lower or higher than that will slow its growth or cause it to stop growing altogether. Make sure the plant is located away from heating and cooling vents.


Since Thai constellations are tropical plants, they love humidity. Dry conditions will cause the plant's leaves to turn brown and drop. A Thai constellation should be misted twice a week, but the plant should not be soaked.


Light, well-draining soil is the best soil for Thai constellations. Good drainage helps ensure that the soil stays moist but not soggy. Add bark and perlite to the potting mix to improve drainage. Dense and heavy soil will put the plant at risk of root rot.


Thai constellations don't require pruning since it grows too slowly to need their growth controlled. This type of plant should not be pruned until the plant is mature and has several leaves. However, discolored or dead leaves can be gently cut from the base with clean, sharp shears.


Fertilize a Thai constellation during the spring, summer, and fall growing seasons. Monthly feeding with a balanced fertilizer is ideal. Special Monstera plant food or regular houseplant fertilizer diluted to half-strength will work.

Height & Growth

Thai constellations are slow growers but can grow to large plants over time. The leaves of Thai constellations can be between 3 to 12 inches wide. In ideal conditions, a healthy Thai constellation can grow 20 feet tall. Thai constellations grow 1 to 2 feet tall yearly and should be repotted once every two years to encourage growth.


The Thai constellation Monstera is toxic to humans. The leaves contain insoluble calcium oxalates, which can cause oral irritation, drooling, vomiting, and difficulty swallowing. Keep Monstera plants out of reach of children and pets.


All types of Monstera are toxic to pets.

Common Problems 

  • Root rot - Root rot is caused by over-watering and is especially common in Thai constellations because of their sensitive root systems. Above-ground signs of root rot include limp and wilting leaves, brown discoloration on stems, and a musty odor from the soil.

  • Pests - Aphids, mealybugs, and scale insects are the most common pests found on Thai constellations. Keep your plant free of debris and inspect the plant regularly for signs of infestation. If found, treat immediately with a safe insecticide.

  • Discolored leaves - Yellow and limp leaves are a sign of over-watering. Brown leaves are caused by too much direct sunlight or not enough water.

How To Propagate Thai constellation Plants

Since Thai constellations grow slowly, repotting does not need to happen frequently. Refresh the soil when propagating and increase the pot size by about one inch.

Cut a plant stem from your healthy and mature Thai constellation during its growing season in the springtime. If the cutting does not have a node, it will not root. Bury the cutting in a new pot of well-draining soil, and be sure the soil covers the node. Keep the plant in a warm, humid, and bright environment until it roots.

Thai constellations are slow growers and don't need frequent repotting.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are Thai constellation Monsteras so expensive?

Thai constellations are expensive because they are rare. Only about 10% of all seeds will produce a Thai constellation variety because of they do not have a stable variegation. Another reason they are expensive is because they take several years to mature. A Thai constellation can take up to five years to reach its full size.

Is Thai constellation poisonous to humans?

Thai constellation plants are poisonous to humans and pets when ingested. Consumption can cause burning lips, throat, and mouth. It can also cause difficulty breathing or swallowing, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Handling Thai constellation can cause skin irritation, so wear gloves when handling fresh cuttings.

How do you pick a good Thai constellation?

Purchase a stem cutting with a good amount of greenery. Leaves that are primarily green contain more chlorophyll and will have a better chance of survival after being shipped and replanted. Even though leaves with white colorings are beautiful, they don't make good cuttings for propagation.

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