Peace Lily
Peace lilies (Spathiphyllum wallisii) have large, glossy, and oval leaves. This houseplant has a striking contrast between the dark foliage and the creamy white flowers. The white blooms extend high on stiff stems and begin with a twist before opening and revealing its yellow or white spadix in the center.
Depending on the type of peace lily, they typically grow between 18-24 inches tall. The leaves grow to around six inches long.
Peace lilies should only be watered when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. Reduce watering during winter, but never let the soil dry out completely.
A peace lily needs a lot of sunlight, but not direct sun. This type of plant is ideal in front of an east-facing window.
Good For Beginners?
Peace lilies are great for beginners since they are simple to care for and have strong survival skills. They are also cheap and should be available in any store that sells houseplants. If you forget to water it, peace lilies are known to recover quickly.
Orchids vary in appearance depending on the variety and species. Generally, the blooms are made of angular, wide-spreading petals. The petals could be flat, ruffled, thin, elongated, or curved, depending on the type of orchid. The most common orchid, the Phalaenopsis orchid, has a dark purple hue on the edge of its petals, which fades into a white color in the center. Some of their flowers are pink, green, blue, or yellow.
The size of an orchid also varies depending on the type of orchid. Phalaenopsis orchids, commonly known as moth orchids, can reach a height of about 19 inches. Their petals are about 2-3 inches long and 3-5 inches across. Aerangis orchids have tiny petals that are only a couple millimeters across!
During the growing season, orchids need to be watered weekly. Run a small stream of water over the plant for about 10 minutes in the sink, letting it completely drain from the drainage holes. You can also bottom water orchids, or put three ice cubes in the pot weekly.
Only provide your orchid with direct sunlight in the winter months. Otherwise, an orchid does best in indirect light. Occasionally rotate the plant to keep its growth even. An orchid with light green leaves means the plant is receiving proper lighting. Dark green leaves mean the orchid is not getting enough light.
Good For Beginners?
Orchids are low-maintenance houseplants, making them great home additions for first-time flower growers.
There are many varieties of succulents, varying in size and appearance. Most succulents have green leaves, but some have shades of blue, red, purple, pink, and orange leaves. Succulents are generally small, compact plants. Some succulent species have fleshy leaves in a rosette shape, which makes the plant appear spiky. Other types can have oval, spiky, or smooth leaves.
A common succulent used as a flowering houseplant is the Euphorbia Milii or Crown of Thorns. This type of succulent has sharp stems and branches. Its true flowers are green or yellow and are surrounded by bracts in red, orange, pink, yellow, or white.
Succulents vary in size depending on the type but are generally small, compact plants. A mature crown of thorns can reach about two feet tall. Its thorns can be about half an inch in size. The flowers that it produces are small and red or pink .
Succulents store water in their fleshy leaves, so they do not need to be watered often. Depending on the variety, plan to water it every couple weeks or so.
Succulents need 4-6 hours of bright, indirect sunlight to thrive. Some succulents can survive in shade and low light but won’t thrive.
Good For Beginners?
Succulents are easy-care plants. They need little attention, and as long as they receive the right conditions for survival, they are not difficult to keep alive.
Gardenias differ in appearance based on the type, but most have white flowers, and some have yellow centers. Some species have layered flowers. The flowers of these tropical plants sometimes appear similar to white roses. Many Gardenias have thick, leathery leaves. Leaves on a Gardenia range from dark, light, or bright green.
Most Gardenias grow to be 3-4 feet tall. The flower sizes range from blooms one inch in diameter to flowers that are six inches across.
One inch of water weekly is enough to keep a Gardenia happy. Reduce watering in the winter months and keep the soil slightly moist to the touch.
The best light condition for Gardenias is bright indirect light. It is best to place your Gardenia in a sunny window that gets afternoon shade.
Good For Beginners?
Gardenias are challenging to grow because they need potting soil of a specific acidity, cool temperatures, and high humidity. They are also very vulnerable to pests. If you can overcome these challenges, you will be rewarded with sweet-smelling and beautiful flowers.
African Violet
African violets (Saintpaulia ionantha) come in many different shapes and colors. Its flowers may be single, double, or semi-double and may have ringed or ruffled petals. It may produce blue, purple, red, white, or pink flowers.
African violet flowers range in size depending on the type. Flower sizes can be as small as three-quarters of an inch.
Keep the soil of an African violet moist and well-drained. African violets do best when they are watered from the bottom. To do this, place the potted violet in a dish filled with water and wait until the soil becomes thoroughly moist. African violets are sensitive to chemicals in tap water, so let tap water sit for a few days before using it to water your plant. You could also collect rainwater or use distilled water instead.
African violets do best in bright, filtered light. They will scorch in the direct sun.
Good For Beginners?
African violet care is slightly different than other indoor plant care, but they are still relatively easy to keep alive. With proper care, this type of pant will bloom all year!
There are many species of Kalanchoe, but most have waxy or hairy thick leaves. The leaves are usually dark green with scalloped edges. The small yellow, orange, or red flowers that Kalanchoe produces have parts in multiples of four that grow on numerous stems. The clusters of flowers give the plant a full look.
Kalanchoe vary in size but can grow about 1.5-2 feet wide.
Only water when the soil feels dry and avoid overwatering.
Kalanchoes need a lot of light, preferably on a south-facing windowsill in winter and an east windowsill in summer for bright, indirect light.
Good For Beginners?
Kalanchoe plants require little care. They are forgiving if you forget to water them, making them ideal houseplants for beginners.
Honorable Mentions
Here are a few more flowering plants to consider adding to your collection:
Cape Primrose (Streptocarpus saxorum)
Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera bridgesii)
Flamingo lily (Anthurium)
Hoya heart-shaped plant (Hoya kerrii)
Kaffir lily (Clivia miniata)
Lipstick plant (Aeschynanthus radicans)
Poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima)
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