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The Top 5 Best Indoor Plants for 2023

Whether you have a seasoned green thumb, or you’re a newbie seeking to add some greenery to your home, these plants are sure to please.

Indoor plants are more than just decorations. They provide a range of benefits that enhance your living space, including improving air quality, reducing stress levels, and boosting productivity. Here are our top five houseplants to consider for your home.

What Should You Look For In A New Indoor Plant?

When looking for a new indoor plant, you should consider several factors based on your preferences, time, skill, knowledge, and space. Here are a few things to bear in mind:

  • Some indoor plants require more care and attention than others. If you have limited time or are new to plant care, choose plants that require minimal maintenance. Examples of low-maintenance indoor plants include snake plants, Pothos, and spider plants.

  • Natural light is a very important consideration when selecting plants. Some plants thrive in bright, direct sunlight, while others prefer low to moderate indirect light. Choose a plant that matches the lighting conditions in your space.

  • If you want to improve the air quality in your home, choose an indoor plant with air-purifying capabilities. Some plants, such as the snake plant and spider plant, have been shown to remove harmful toxins, such as benzene and formaldehyde from the air, according to NASA.

  • If you have limited space, choose a smaller plant that fits on a windowsill or tabletop. Larger plants, such as fiddle leaf figs or Monstera plants, require more space and may be better suited for larger rooms.

  • Consider the style of plant that fits your home decor. Do you like tropical plants with large, lush leaves or spiky desert plants with a more minimalist look?

Top 5 Houseplants: Our Picks

The most popular houseplants depend on personal preferences, but here are five indoor plants that are generally considered to be popular:

1. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum):

Spider plants are low maintenance and famous for their cascading green and white striped leaves.

These plants do tolerate many light conditions but prefer bright, indirect sunlight. Spider plants prefer to be kept evenly moist and can be propagated to create new plants. Just place the "spiderettes" they produce in a pot of soil – they are easy to grow and are a great choice for beginners.

2. Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

Pothos, also called devil’s ivy, have heart-shaped, trailing leaves in various shades of green and silver variegated patterns. These vine-like growths look great in hanging baskets. 

They prefer low to bright indirect light conditions and tolerate a range of humidity levels. Pothos plants like to be kept evenly moist but don’t mind drying out slightly between waterings. They are easy to grow and a great choice for beginners looking to bring home their first plant.

3. Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)

Snake plants, also called mother-in-law’s tongue, are known for their long, upright, sword-shaped green leaves with variegated patterns. They grow best in bright indirect light and can stand different humidity levels. Snake plants prefer to dry out completely between waterings and can tolerate neglect. They are low-maintenance and a great choice for beginners.

Snake plants prefer to be root bound, and an established and happy plant may surprise you with a rare white flower stalk once a year.

Snake Plant on a windowsill
Photo: IndoorPlants.comSnake plant are low-maintenance houseplants that add a tropical touch to any space.

4. Fiddle Leaf Fig (Ficus lyrata)

Fiddle leaf figs have large, dark green, glossy, violin-shaped leaves. They prefer bright, indirect light and require consistent moisture but don't like to be overwatered. Fiddle leaf figs are sensitive to environmental changes and may require more attention than other houseplants. They are considered moderately difficult to grow.

5. Monstera (Monstera deliciosa)

Monstera plants have large, glossy, fenestrated leaves that are a popular choice for enthusiasts wanting to add a tropical vibe to a space. 

They prefer bright, indirect light and require consistent light watering. Monstera plants grow quite large and may require pruning. They are considered moderately difficult to grow.

Monstera deliciosa
Photo: IndoorPlants.comMonstera prefer bright, indirect light. Too much or too little light can cause them to droop.

Plants For Low-Light Conditions

For low light conditions, the snake plant, ZZ plant, and peace lily are the best plants to choose from. Snake plants and ZZ plants have succulent-like qualities that store water and make them drought-tolerant, making them ideal for plant parents who tend to overwater or underwater.

Honorable Mentions

  • Philodendron

  • Aloe vera plant

  • Dracaena

  • Jade plant

  • Peace lily

Whether you're looking for a low-maintenance plant for your bookshelves or an air-purifying plant for your living room, plenty of options are available.

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