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Why Does My Peace Lily Have Brown Tips?

Brown tips on peace lily leaves are usually caused by underwatering, overwatering, low humidity levels, over-fertilization, pests, or disease.

What Causes Brown Tips On A Peace Lily?

Peace lilies are a popular indoor plant known for their beautiful white flowers and dark green foliage. However, if you've noticed brown tips on the leaves of your peace lily, it may indicate an underlying issue that needs to be addressed.

In addition to overwatering or underwatering, several factors contribute to brown tips on peace lily leaves, including low humidity, too much fertilizer, and pests or diseases. By identifying the cause of the problem, you can take steps to correct it and help your peace lily thrive.

Overwatering And Underwatering

Overwatering causes brown leaf tips on a peace lily because it leads to waterlogged soil, which suffocates the roots and prevents them from absorbing nutrients. This results in browning or yellowing leaves, wilting, mushy spots, a musty smell, and overall plant decline.

On the other hand, underwatering cause peace lily leaves to turn brown and crispy due to lack of moisture.


Reduce or increase the frequency of watering accordingly. Peace lilies like moist but not waterlogged soil. Water them when the top half-inch of the soil is dry, which usually means about once a week.

Peace lilies will quickly tell you they’re thirsty with droopy leaves. Overwatering symptoms take a bit longer to manifest. By the time you see mushy spots and yellowing leaves, the root system is already in danger and the plant needs to be repotted immediately.

Brown tips may be a sign of too much or too little water.

Not Enough Sun

Peace lilies are known for doing well in low-light conditions, but they still need some indirect light for photosynthesis to produce energy. Too little of light weakens the plant, causing it to grow more slowly. The leaves will fade and eventually turn brown and die due to lack of nutrients.


Move your plant to a brighter location with indirect light. Avoid placing it in direct sunlight, as this scorch the leaves. A north-facing window or an area with bright, filtered light is ideal for a peace lily. If natural light is unavailable, you can also use artificial lights or grow lights.

Low Humidity

The peace lily plant is a tropical plant and thrives in a warm and humid environment. When the leaves lose too much moisture, they become brown and crispy at the ends.


Increase the humidity around your peace lily by misting its leaves with water, placing a tray of water near the plant, or using a humidifier. Another option is to group plants together, increasing the overall humidity in the area.

Ensure your peace lily is away from sources of dry heat, such as heating vents or air conditioners, which further reduce humidity levels.

Too Much Fertilizer

Peace lilies are not heavy feeders. Using too much fertilizer on a peace lily leads to a buildup of salts in the soil, which burn the roots and prevent the plant from taking up water properly.

This dehydrates the plant, leading to brown and crispy leaf tips.


Flush the soil with water to remove any excess salts or nutrients. You can do this by watering your peace lily thoroughly and allowing the water to drain out of the bottom of the pot. Repeat this process several times to help leach out the excess fertilizer.

Peace lilies are not heavy feeders and too much fertilizer can cause poor water uptake and dehydration.

Pests And Disease

Pests and diseases cause brown leaf tips on a peace lily by damaging the plant's tissues and preventing it from absorbing water and nutrients. Common bugs that cause brown leaf tips include spider mites, mealybugs, and scale insects. Diseases like root rot and bacterial leaf spot also lead to brown or blackened leaf tips.


To address brown leaf tips caused by pests, identify the type of pest and use an appropriate treatment, such as insecticidal soap or neem oil.

For diseases, it is important to remove any infected leaves or parts of the plant and treat the plant with a fungicide, if necessary.

Maintain good plant hygiene by removing any dead or decaying plant matter and keeping the plant's environment clean and well-ventilated to help prevent pests and diseases from taking hold.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I cut the brown tips off my peace lily?

Cutting off brown tips on a peace lily will improve its appearance and encourage new growth. However, it's important to determine the underlying cause of the brown tips and address it to prevent future damage.

Cutting off too much of the leaf harms the plant and reduces its ability to produce energy through photosynthesis. If the majority of your plant is brown, it’s unlikely to recover.

What are some peace lily care tips?

The peace lily (Spathiphyllum) is a popular houseplant that is easy to care for, making it a great choice for beginners.

Peace lilies prefer room temperature conditions between 68-85°F and require moist soil to thrive. Ensure it is in a well-draining pot with drainage holes, and use high-quality potting soil with added perlite to improve drainage.

Use tap water, distilled water, or water left out for 24 hours to allow any excess fluoride or chlorine to evaporate. Avoid hard water, as it contains minerals that can harm the plant.

A common reason peace lilies may not flower is inadequate light. Peace lilies prefer bright indirect light but tolerate low light conditions. Direct sun should be avoided as it scorches the leaves. While peace lilies generally don’t need fertilizer, you can use a balanced plant food during the growing season when new growth and new leaves emerge from the base of the plant.

Why is my peace lily flower brown?

You should note that the spathes, or the white flowers that peace lilies are known for, are actually modified leaves and can also be affected by brown tips. Ensure the entire leaf is healthy, including the spathe, to keep your peace lily flowers vibrant.

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