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Where To Cut Philodendron

Determining where to cut your Philodendron depends on why you are cutting it: propagation, removing dead spots, or reshaping your plant.

Where you cut your Philodendron depends on the reason for pruning it.

When propagating your plant to grow new Philodendrons, you need to cut a portion of the stem. Cutting off dead, yellow or brown leaves is done right where the damage is or at a nearby node. When pruning your houseplant to help promote fuller growth, new leaves, or to prevent the plant from becoming leggy, it is best to cut down at the base of the plant.

Where To Cut Philodendron To Propagate It

Philodendron plants tend to get leggy. When that happens, it is an excellent time to use stem cuttings to start new plants. Here is what you need to know about propagating a Philodendron:

  • Locate a leaf node on the vine. Note that there may already be aerial roots forming here.

  • Cut just above the node at a 45-degree angle using clean gardening shears.

  • The cut stem should be roughly 5 inches long with a few leaves on it.

  • Trim off any leaves near the bottom where you will be rooting the plant.

  • There are two different propagation methods, as a Philodendron cutting can be propagated in water or potting soil.

Water propagation is as simple as popping the cutting into a cup of tap water, putting it on a windowsill, and watching until you start seeing new roots grow. That process will take 4-6 weeks, and you should switch out the water periodically. Once the rooted cutting has a few inches of roots, you can put your new plant in an appropriate soil mix.

Philodendron stem cuttings are easily rooted in water.

Soil propagation is equally as easy. Prepare your cutting by using some rooting hormone. The Philodendron cutting should be planted in moist, well-draining soil mixed with perlite or vermiculite. The pot you choose should have drainage holes.

The Philodendron does best in bright, indirect sunlight. The room temperature should be at least 70 degrees Fahrenheit for the best propagation outcome.

Where To Cut Philodendron For New Growth

Pruning your Philodendron can also encourage new growth. This is helpful if your plant has become leggy and will help to make your plant fuller and bushier.

  • Pruning should be done in spring or early summer.

  • The oldest and longest stems should be cut first, as this is how a plant gets leggy.

  • The next task is cutting dead or dying leaves off the houseplant, leaving room for new leaves and growth.

  • Cuts are best made where the stem meets the main portion of the plant.

Where To Cut Philodendron If It Has Brown Leaves

Once a leaf is dead or dying, you need to cut it off. Keeping it in place wastes energy and uses valuable nutrients. Sometimes a dead or dying leaf can easily be pulled off without causing any damage to the stem. If not, snip it off at the node.

Always remove leaf droppings from inside the pot, as these can rot and attract pests.

Where To Cut Philodendron To Control Growth

The heartleaf Philodendron (Philodendron scandens), the most common type of Philodendron, is an excellent example of a plant that can grow out of control if left unchecked. Here’s how to prune a Philodendron to control growth:

  • The first cuts should be any leaves that are dead or dying, taking care not to cut any healthy stems.

  • Next, cut leggy stems back to the base of the plant.

  • Finally, consider the overall size and shape of your plant and cut back any growing at unruly angles away from the plant.

Never prune away more than one-third of the plant, as this can shock the plant and make it harder to recover from the cuts. After a major trimming, plan to baby your Philodendron for a bit. Keep it out of direct sunlight, and wait until it recovers and you see new growth before you repot it or resume your fertilizer schedule.

Pruning is necessary to control a fast-growing Philodendron.

Helpful Tips About Cutting Philodendron

  • You may wish to wear gloves. Philodendrons contain calcium oxylate crystals that you want to avoid getting in your mouth or eyes.

  • Any cuts should be made with sharp, clean tools. Some people prefer gardening shears (sometimes called garden snips). A regular pair of scissors can be used as long as they are sharp and clean.

  • Remember that healthy cuttings can be used to share pieces of the mother plant with friends or expand your indoor plant collection. Philodendron propagation is straightforward and can be done in soil or water.

  • Reduce your watering schedule after a major trim. Your plant won’t need as much water if its lost a lot of leaves and stems. Keep the soil moist, allowing it to dry out slightly between waterings. Avoid letting the plant’s root system sit in standing water as overwatering can cause root rot and kill your plant.

  • Like Pothos and other tropical plants, Philodendron is a fast grower. Plan to prune is regularly to control growth and prevent legginess. Keep an eye on root growth and repot it when it outgrows its pot.

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