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Philodendron selloum

Philodendron Sun Red

Get to know the stunningly unique Philodendron Sun Red and how you can cultivate and care for this red beauty in your home.

Philodendron Sun Red
  • Philodendron Sun Red
  • Philodendron Sun Red
  • Philodendron Sun Red
  • Philodendron Sun Red

Other names for this plant...

Philodendron Red Sun Red Sun Philodendron

With vibrant bright foliage that transforms into colors of burgundy red-purple and green, the Philodendron Sun Red is a real head-turner in your home - and one you're sure to love growing thanks to its low-maintenance nature.

About The Philodendron Sun Red

Imagine a mini sunburst right in your living room, and you'll have a pretty good idea of why the Philodendron Sun Red is such a hit. Of course, its name is a nod to the vibrant red hue of its new leaves.

Philodendron Sun Red
Photo: IndoorPlants.comThe Philodendron Sun Red has vibrant bright foliage that transforms into colors of burgundy red-purple and green.

The Red Sun Philodendron stands out as a unique "self-heading" Philodendron, boasting a compact growth habit that sets it apart from its climbing counterparts.

But besides its attention-grabbing foliage, the Philodendron Sun Red is also a hassle-free houseplant — it happily flourishes with little attention, so you won't have to shower it with love to keep it thriving.

Botanical Name

The Philodendron Sun Red's botanical name is Philodendron selloum 'Sun Red'. This name is a blend of its genus, 'Philodendron,' which means "tree-loving" in Greek, and the cultivar name, 'Sun Red,' highlighting its striking burgundy red-purple foliage when exposed to sunlight.


The Philodendron Sun Red is part of the Philodendron genus, which is a large group of flowering plants in the Araceae family. You might have noticed (or even currently own) some of the plants that belong to this family, such as the famous Monstera, the Money Plant, and the Peace Lily.

The Araceae family is incredibly varied, encompassing climbers, shrubs, epiphytes (plants that grow on other plants), and even aquatic plants.


The Philodendron Sun Red isn't a naturally occurring plant. It's actually a specially created hybrid - the result of skilled gardeners and nurseries. These experts aimed to make a unique plant with striking red and green leaves, and they succeeded.

The exact lineage of the Sun Red Philodendron might vary depending on who grew it.


The Philodendron Sun Red is a striking tropical plant that's hard to miss. Its standout feature is its large, glossy leaves which beautifully transform over the years.

Young leaves emerge in a brilliant shade of bright red, which gradually transforms into rich burgundy red-purple tones as they mature. As these vibrant leaves continue to grow, they eventually transition into a lush green color when the plant is fully mature.

Philodendron Sun Red
Photo: IndoorPlants.comThe Philodendron Sun Red is a striking tropical plant that's hard to miss.


There's no doubt that Sun Red Philodendrons are beautiful plants with their bright red, purple, and green foliage, making them versatile choices for your indoor space. Placing it against a light-colored wall really makes its bright red leaves stand out, adding a stark contrast of color.

For a more lush and inviting atmosphere, consider placing it among other green indoor plants. The Philodendron Sun Red will be an instant focal point without dampening the overall look of your plant collection.

To keep things modern and chic, use simple pots or plants that complement this plant's colors without overwhelming it. You can even hang them on a macramé hanger or display them on a sleek plant stand.

Philodendron Sun Red
Photo: IndoorPlants.comThe Philodendron Sun Red thrives in bright, indirect light.


The Philodendron Sun Red thrives in bright, indirect light. It can tolerate direct sunlight but be cautious not to overdo it, especially for new leaves, as it can scorch them. You also don't want to keep this beauty in low light. Remember, the brighter the light, the more vibrant those new red leaves will be.


Like all philodendrons, the Philodendron Sun Red prefers moderate watering. You want to keep the soil moist but allow the top two inches to dry out between waterings during the growing season. In the colder seasons, you'll reduce both the amount and frequency of watering, as growth slows down during this time.


The Philodendron Sun Red likes to be cozy, typically in temperatures between 65-80°F. The good news is that this is the standard room temperature in most homes, so you won't need to fuss too much about this.

However, you should avoid exposing the Philodendron Sun Red to cold or hot drafts as this could cause stunted growth, yellowing leaves, and leaf drop.


As a hybrid of philodendrons that originally came from the tropical rainforests of South America, the Philodendron Sun Red thrives in a humid environment.

There are a couple of ways you can boost the humidity levels for this plant, such as regularly misting the leaves or using a humidifier. Alternatively, you can place the container on a tray of wet pebbles - this provides the plant with a more humid local environment.


The key to a thriving Philodendron Sun Red is well-draining, loose soil. This type of soil is ideal for Philodendron plants because it reduces the risk of overwatering, a common woe for these leafy beauties.

You can craft your own potting soil mix by combining equal parts standard potting soil, perlite, peat moss, and orchid bark. This potting mix strikes the perfect balance of moisture retention and drainage, ideal for these plants.


The Philodendron Sun Red doesn't require much pruning, but it will benefit from a snip here and there. For example, cutting away yellow and dead leaves can reduce the risk of pests and diseases and maintain its appearance.

For straggly growth, use sterilized pruning shears to cut back the stems to soil level at the beginning of the growing season to encourage new growth.


Your Philodendron Sun Red will enjoy some fertilizer every four weeks during the growing season. Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer to help it grow those lush leaves.

When it takes a break from growing during the colder months, hold off on the feeding to avoid fertilizer burn which can harm the plant.

Height & Growth

The Philodendron Sun Red is considered a moderately fast grower when provided with optimal care. Although, it rarely exceeds a height of two feet when grown indoors. Outdoors, you may see it achieve a height of up to six feet or more but this will all depend on its condition and care.


The Philodendron Sun Red is toxic when ingested due to the calcium oxalate crystals found within the plant. You'll want to keep this plant away from curious little ones.


The same is said for all pets. If your curious furry friend has ingested the plant, they can experience burning and swelling in the mouth, as well as vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain.

Philodendron Sun Red
Photo: IndoorPlants.comLike all philodendrons, the Philodendron Sun Red prefers moderate watering.

Common Problems

If you've owned a Philodendron before, then you're likely familiar with their problems. The same can be said for the Philodendron Sun Red, which can encounter issues such as:

  1. Leggy growth and loss of leaf color: Inadequate lighting is the cause for your Philodendron Sun Red producing leggy stems and a lack of bright red leaves. Relocate the plant to a spot with ample bright, indirect light.

  2. Leaf drop: Normal leaf drop occurs as the Philodendron Sun Red matures. However, if leaves drop unexpectedly, it's likely due to sudden changes in growing conditions. To prevent this, avoid rapid relocation; gradually shift the plant to brighter conditions over time.

  3. Brown leaf tips: If the leaves turn brown, it's likely due to low humidity or pot-bound growth. Increase the humidity with a pebble tray or humidifier and repot the plant into a larger container.

  4. Stem and root rot: This is a telltale sign of overwatering. Ease up on the watering frequency to allow the soil to dry out. Remove and discard infected parts, replace soil, and water thoroughly for root rot. For stem rot, remove affected stems and apply bactericide every 7-10 days.

  5. Pests: Pests like aphids, spider mites, and mealybugs can affect the Philodendron Sun Red. You can remedy this by removing the pest with an alcohol-soaked cotton swab on the leaves or using neem oil or an insecticidal soap.


Is the Philodendron Red Sun rare?

The Philodendron Sun Red is not rare, as you can find the plant across multiple nurseries and garden centers. They are incredibly popular, so don't be surprised if they're missing from the shelves!

What is the difference between Philodendron Red Sun and Prince of Orange?

Both popular Philodendron varieties, the Philodendron Red Sun and the Philodendron Prince of Orange, differ mainly in their leaf color, size, shape, and growth rate. The Red Sun has deep red to burgundy leaves that are larger, more oval-shaped, and grow faster than the Prince of Orange, which has bright orange to coppery leaves that are smaller, more rectangular-shaped, and grow slower.

Can you propagate a Philodendron Sun Red?

You can definitely propagate a Philodendron Sun Red; either by divisions, cuttings, or offsets, but divisions are the easiest method. You can use our handy guide to learn how to propagate a Philodendron to carefully divide and produce new plants.